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Top 10 Casino rules for responsible gambling

Play only and only with money you can afford to lose, Gambling is just that. You can win but you also have to remember that you can lose. We recommend setting yourself a budget before you begin so that you can easily decide when to stop.

Don't play when you are tired or have consumed alcohol. If you play at any casino and you are not in a "thinking" state of mind you can easily get carried away and forget rule number one. It is much easier to walk away when you have a clear head.

If you hit a losing streak, call it a day. If you find yourself on a losing streak it is much better to stop and come back another day instead of playing on in the hope of a change of luck. Also it is not wise to increase you bets if you are losing, this could increase your losses further.

When you win, set some money aside. This seems like a clear idea but often we find that players win only to return all of the winnings back to the casino. We recommend setting at least some of your winnings aside. Tomorrow is another day, spread out your gambling enjoyment over a longer time.

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